Thursday, December 11, 2008

Celebrating Human Rights Day

On December 10, 2008, a display of documents including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were dedicated in the foyer of the Harris County Juvenile Justice Center.

My colleagues Mark Bennett, president of the Harris County Criminal Lawyer's Association (HCCLA); JoAnne Musick, president-elect of HCCLA; and Robb Fickman, former president of HCCLA spoke at the dedication.

Mark, whose comments can be read here, reminded us that there is nothing in any of these documents about docket control or judicial efficiency.  He also pointed out that these documents were concerned with freedom and liberty, not safety and security.

Ms. Musick and Mr. Fickman spearheaded a two-year-long effort to have these documents hung in the courthouse.  What an absurdity it is that we have to fight to put the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in a courthouse.

I am hardpressed to think of a better way to celebrate Human Rights Day.

1 comment:

Mark Bennett said...

Thanks, Paul. With your help, this "Bill of Rights" thing might just catch on.